Preparations are underway for a dredging project on the North Stratford Canal between Rotherham Oaks and Stratford Road Bridge. The work will include some bank protection, including to the rear of gardens off Spring lane. The relevant residents will be contacted direct in due course, but this is to let you know the general details:
The length of canal affected is 1.9km.
We anticipate removing about 1,200m3 of silt.
We will install approximate 900m of bank protection where the off-side bank is eroded and use the silt to backfill the bank protection.
The project is still subject to approval, but all being well, I anticipate starting either in Dec or early January.
I will update you on plans once they are confirmed.
If you have any specific queries regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Paul Fox
Project Manager
O7711 650418
01908 681281
DD 3881
The Stop House, Braunston, Northants, NN11 3AD