Monthly Meetings

Purpose and Organisation

These meetings are called by the Parish Clerk and Chair of the Parish Council. They are chaired by the Chair of Hockley Heath Parish Council or the vice chair. They look at day to day issues affecting the village and decisions will be taken on spend, the precept, project development etc. among other things.

When are They?

They are usually held on the 3rd Thursday of the month except for August. They start at 7pm and are held in the Pavilion, Hockley Heath Recreation Ground, Old Warwick Road, Hockley Heath, Solihull B94 6HH.

Who Can Come?

The press and public are welcome to attend the meetings and may speak during the public forum agenda item.


Items for the agenda should be with the Clerk by the 2nd Thursday in the month and notice of the meeting will be placed at least 3 working days before the meeting.