Village Park Survey 2022 – Report Detailing Residents’ Responses

The report below details the responses received from residents residing in the Hockley Heath Parish regarding the facilities currently offered within the recreation ground and their views on the facilities that should be available in the future. The report will be discussed in the Parish Council meeting to be held on 22nd September 2022, 7pm, in the Pavilion.

Newsletter Delivery

The Parish Council newsletters are delivered locally for a fee and on rare occasions the delivery service cannot deliver the newsletters when needed. The Parish Council would like to create a reserve list of individuals/companies that could deliver the newsletter, if required. If this is something you would be interested in please contact the Clerk to Hockley Heath Parish Council at There are approximately 850 newsletters to deliver throughout the Hockley Heath Parish.

South Warwickshire Local Plan

The Parish Council meeting on 20th January 2022 (item 159.3) advised of the call for sites outcome for the South Warwickshire Local Plan. This Local Plan is being devised jointly by Stratford on Avon Council and Warwick District Council. The Parish of Hockley Heath is on the border with both Warwick’s boundary (Aylesbury Road area) and also Stratford’s (Spring Lane area).

A call for sites has been undertaken in which landowners can put forward their land for housing development. The information can be found on the link below on an interactive map that also allows you to click on the greenbelt, showing that Hockley Heath is surrounded by greenbelt land.…/webappviewer/index.html…

In January, the Parish Council had written to all SMBC Ward Councillors, along with SMBC’s Spatial Planning department, to advise them of the sites currently being put forward for housing development. The Parish Council has also written to staff members developing the South Warwickshire Local Plan and highlighted the duty to co-operate with SMBC and advised them that SMBC determined, through their Local Plan, that Hockley Heath was only suitable for small scale development which was the reason why SMBC only proposed one development in Hockley Heath (School Road).

Irrespective of whether these locations, through the call for sites, lie within the Lapworth Parish or the Tanworth-in-Arden Parish, due their proximity to the Hockley Heath village centre, the greatest impact will be upon Hockley Heath, and both SMBC and South Warwickshire have been advised of this by the Parish Council.

South Warwickshire have not assessed any of the sites put forward in the call for sites for suitability and they are not yet at the public consultation stage for these sites. Once a consultation opens then the Parish Council will respond and inform all residents of the consultation dates.

Request to Play Cricket in the Recreation Ground

The Parish Council has been approached by a cricket club requesting to play Saturday cricket in the recreation ground for children’s, ladies’, and league three matches as there is currently a shortage of cricket pitches in the area. Initially, one artificial cricket wicket was requested, but the cricket club has been keen to explore whether additional grass cricket wickets would also be possible in place of the adult football pitches on the field furthest away from the Pavilion. The cricket club would fund all costs for an artificial wicket and additional grass wickets.

Following information published on social media, HHPC has received several objections to cricket being played in the park, and a few letters of support, but is aware that not all residents of Hockley Heath Parish have had an opportunity to voice their opinion. The Parish Council has not entered into any agreements so cannot confirm whether there could be one or several cricket wickets. As a result, the Parish Council is keen to hear whether you are favourable or not to cricket returning to the park. Please contact the Clerk to HHPC before 6th February 2022 with any views you have on this matter, please state your address as HHPC wishes to hear from residents that reside within the Parish.

Reimagining Transport in the West Midlands

The green paper sets out the challenges and opportunities facing the transport system to inspire deliberation with the public over the kind of transport system we want to see in the future. The decisions we make now about how we plan, invest in and manage our transport system will affect us all, as well as deciding what legacy we leave for future generations.
For further information read the green paper here

Solihull Council Local Plan

Independent examiners have been appointed by the Secretary of State to examine Solihull Council’s Local Plan. A number of hearing sessions have been planned for the autumn in the Council Chamber, Solihull. The proposed housing allocation site on School Road, Hockley Heath, is due to be heard on Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 9.30am.

If you have submitted a formal representation to Solihull Council supporting the plan you do not have a right to speak at the hearing. However, if you have submitted a formal representation to Solihull Council objecting to the plan, you can request to speak at the hearing.

You must ensure you submit your request to speak by 5pm on Friday 27th August 2021 in writing to the independent programme officer. Details of where to write, and other documentation relating to SMBC’s Local Plan, can be found here


The Parish Council does not meet in August, so please comment directly to the Clerk if you have any comments on the application below:

PLANNING APPLICATION – 18 metre Telecommunications Mast Stratford Road Hockley Heath Solihull (B94 6NT)

Reference: PL/2021/02008/PN

Expires 24th August 2021

Solihull Council has received a planning application to determine whether approval is required for the installation of an 18m telecommunications mast. The proposed location of the 18m tower is on the grass verge after the Shell garage and before The Barn. The proposed location is on the same side of the road as the Shell Garage.

If you wish to advise the Parish Council of your views please contact the Clerk at The Parish Council will NOT forward your individual comments to Solihull Council so please respond directly to them through their planning portal if you wish to make them aware of your views on this matter.

You can view the documentation on Solihull Council’s planning portal and also provide comments here

Postponement of Public Parish Council Meetings Week Commencing 12th April 2021

Following the sad announcement of the death of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, all public meetings of Hockley Heath Parish Council will not take place this week.

Parish Councils are governed by various legislation and one of these rules requires three days’ notice to lawfully convene a public meeting. Periods of mourning cannot be counted in the three days’ notice so it is not possible to lawfully convene a public meeting during week commencing 12th April due to the national mourning period from 9-17 April 2021.

The environment meeting will move to Wednesday 21st April 2021, 1.30pm, held via Zoom.
The Parish Council meeting will move to Thursday 22nd April, 7pm, held via Zoom.

There are a number of planning applications that were due to be discussed this week. If you wish to make the Parish Council aware of your views on any of these applications please contact the Clerk at or tel: 07591 954002. The agenda (for the meeting originally scheduled for 15th April) which details the planning applications can be found here: