The green paper sets out the challenges and opportunities facing the transport system to inspire deliberation with the public over the kind of transport system we want to see in the future. The decisions we make now about how we plan, invest in and manage our transport system will affect us all, as well as deciding what legacy we leave for future generations.
For further information read the green paper here
Category: Uncategorized
Just to raise awareness that the closing date for volunteering applications for the Commonwealth Games is 7pm on Tuesday 17 August 2021. To apply on-line and for more information about roles please use the following address:
Independent examiners have been appointed by the Secretary of State to examine Solihull Council’s Local Plan. A number of hearing sessions have been planned for the autumn in the Council Chamber, Solihull. The proposed housing allocation site on School Road, Hockley Heath, is due to be heard on Wednesday 17 November 2021 at 9.30am.
If you have submitted a formal representation to Solihull Council supporting the plan you do not have a right to speak at the hearing. However, if you have submitted a formal representation to Solihull Council objecting to the plan, you can request to speak at the hearing.
You must ensure you submit your request to speak by 5pm on Friday 27th August 2021 in writing to the independent programme officer. Details of where to write, and other documentation relating to SMBC’s Local Plan, can be found here
The Parish Council does not meet in August, so please comment directly to the Clerk if you have any comments on the application below:
PLANNING APPLICATION – 18 metre Telecommunications Mast Stratford Road Hockley Heath Solihull (B94 6NT)
Reference: PL/2021/02008/PN
Expires 24th August 2021
Solihull Council has received a planning application to determine whether approval is required for the installation of an 18m telecommunications mast. The proposed location of the 18m tower is on the grass verge after the Shell garage and before The Barn. The proposed location is on the same side of the road as the Shell Garage.
If you wish to advise the Parish Council of your views please contact the Clerk at The Parish Council will NOT forward your individual comments to Solihull Council so please respond directly to them through their planning portal if you wish to make them aware of your views on this matter.
You can view the documentation on Solihull Council’s planning portal and also provide comments here
Following the sad announcement of the death of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, all public meetings of Hockley Heath Parish Council will not take place this week.
Parish Councils are governed by various legislation and one of these rules requires three days’ notice to lawfully convene a public meeting. Periods of mourning cannot be counted in the three days’ notice so it is not possible to lawfully convene a public meeting during week commencing 12th April due to the national mourning period from 9-17 April 2021.
The environment meeting will move to Wednesday 21st April 2021, 1.30pm, held via Zoom.
The Parish Council meeting will move to Thursday 22nd April, 7pm, held via Zoom.
There are a number of planning applications that were due to be discussed this week. If you wish to make the Parish Council aware of your views on any of these applications please contact the Clerk at or tel: 07591 954002. The agenda (for the meeting originally scheduled for 15th April) which details the planning applications can be found here:
The consultation on this green paper commissioned by Solihull Council closes on 9th April 2021. The document and the details on the consultation can be found here
Solihull Council has now published all representations received as part of the Regulation 19 representation period. These can be viewed via our online database.In addition to viewing the individual representations in full via our portal, we have also published:
• A summary of the main issues raised under chapter heading/policy/site allocation…/Summary%20of%20main…
• Summary of all individual representations received in document order…/Summary%20of%20all…
• Summary of all individual representation received in respondent order…/Summary%20in%20Respondant…
• Index of respondents…/Index%20of%20Respondents1…
You can use the find function (CTRL+F) to search on the summary documents for a name or respondent ID.In accordance with the resolution from Council, the next step in the process is the submission of the plan to the Secretary of State (via the Planning Inspectorate). Arrangements are currently being made for the representations to be reviewed before a decision is made to submit the plan. Once this decision has been taken we will let you know that the plan has been submitted, share the plan and outline the timeline for the rest of the Local Plan process.
For more information about Solihull’s Local Plan review, visit
Following discussions between the Post Office and the Parish Council, an outreach Post Office will be available one day a week in Hockley Heath. This service will commence on Tuesday 2nd March 2021, from 9.30am – 2.30pm in the Pavilion hall, recreation ground, and will include a full range of post office services.
A one way entry and exit system will be in operation within the hall and face coverings must be worn, unless exempt on medical grounds.
The consultation on the Local Plan ends on Monday 14th December 2020. The Plan proposes a site for development on School Road, Hockley Heath, which involves changing the current greenbelt boundary and the removal of the washed over greenbelt which may lead to two additional smaller developments in the future, subject to planning approval. The Parish Council of Hockley Heath has objected to the development of the School Road site and you can view the response to the final consultation below:
Your Representation (100 words maximum)
Limited infrastructure in Hockley Heath, The Parish Council raises the following:
Bus service to Birmingham is on Sunday/bank holidays only.
Nearest train service, Doctor’s surgery and pharmacy is 2.5 miles away, via an hourly bus service.
No Post Office.
Primary school concerns regarding over subscription.
Catchment secondary school located 5 miles away.
Large volumes and speed of traffic on School Road and A3400 – SMBC not undertaken a localised traffic impact assessment.
Site HH1 suffers from flooding.
Other rural areas identified for limited expansion have more facilities (i.e. Doctor’s).
Pressure on Hockley Heath from Warwick and Stratford upon Avon developments.
Change to Plan:
Before demonstrating that exceptional circumstances exist to remove land from the greenbelt, SMBC needs to exhaust all Brownfield land use. Within Solihull, there remains a small number of brownfield sites that have not been taken forward for development due to isolation and infrastructure, but solutions need to be identified to overcome these and include them in the Plan before releasing undeveloped greenbelt.
Attention should also be given in the Plan to the exact location of medical services for residents in the proposed developments. Hockley Heath is located the furthest distance from any GP medical facilities than other rural areas in the Plan identified for expansion, all other proposed areas for development are within easy reach of Dr surgeries.
The Plan should also clearly state in detail the infrastructure available within the area. Hockley Heath does not have a bus service to Birmingham Monday – Saturday. The local bus service from Hockley Heath to neighbouring areas with a larger range of services is hourly. Development should take place in areas with a wider range of services and improved/frequent public transport links as opposed to more rural settlements with limited facilities/transport.
The Plan should detail the impact of the motorway network upon areas proposed for development. Hockley Heath is surrounded by both the M42 and the M40 and the village becomes heavily congested when issues on the motorway network arise. The village is also a designated diversion route for the motorway.
The Plan should provide details of improvements required along the canal network where developments are proposed adjacent to canals. Site HH1 would place additional pressure on the canal bridges, one of which needs repairing and would be likely to see an increase in vehicle traffic. Towpath improvements should also be detailed in the plan for developments that are likely to see an increase in towpath use due to their proximity to canals.
Due to a lack of services and infrastructure in Hockley Heath, and the flooding issues experienced in the village, site HH1 should not feature in the Plan.
Solihull Council officers are holding two webinars to help residents and businesses make final representations about Solihull’s Draft Submission Plan. Representations can be submitted up to Monday 14 December 2020, before the Plan is submitted for independent examination. Solihull’s Local Plan will guide the development of the borough for the next decade and beyond. It is the basis for future planning decisions as it creates a ‘blueprint’ for when and where major developments should and shouldn’t take place.
The grounds for making representations can only relate to the soundness and legal compliance of this Draft Submission Plan. Councillor Andy Mackiewicz, Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Planning and Housing explains what the plan means for Solihull in a short video here
Those wanting to make representations need to visit the Local Plan Review page of the Council website as at this stage there is a formal method of submitting a representation. A short video explains how to make a representation here
To offer interested parties an opportunity to discuss the Plan with Council officers, two webinars have been organised
• Thursday 12 November at 10am
• Monday 16 November at 5.30pm
To take part, you need to go to the Council’s YouTube page (link below) where these webinars will be streamed
If you would like to forward a question for the team to answer as part of the webinar, you can do so in advance to, please include ‘Question for Webinar’ in the subject line of your email.
The representation period will close on Monday 14 December. Read more here
For more information about Solihull’s Local Plan review, visit