Tesco Bags of Help – Fundraising for Play Equipment in Hockley Heath Park

The Hockley Heath Residents Association, with support from the Parish Council, have applied for a Tesco grant and have successfully been shortlisted to receive a prize of either £1,000, £2,000 or £4,000 towards play equipment for younger children in the park. Throughout January and February shoppers at a number of regional Tesco stores can vote for 3 projects, of which the Youngsters of Hockley Heath is one, by dropping a token in a voting box – you may have seen them by the entrance to Tesco stores. Please vote for this local project, your support is very much appreciated.

Planning Applications and how to comment on them…

Let’s be honest, the only time most of us have any dealings with planning is when the neighbours want to build and extension, or a new residential development is planned in the village.  Planning is a very sensitive issue – especially when we feel that our lives will be negatively affected.  It is worth mentioning that not all planning is ‘bad’ planning.

Below we highlight links to various documents which may help you to deal with planning matters.  If you are confused or concerned, it maybe that one or more of these documents will be able to help.  Don’t forget that you can always call the planning case officer and ask questions for clarification of points.  Should you wish to support or object to a planning application, make sure that you quote policy numbers from the Local Plan to support your stance, and be focused on your issues.

What is NOT material consideration:

Devaluation of property
Loss of private view
Breach of a restrictive covenant
Loss of business (from competition etc.)
Disturbance caused by construction
Who the applicant or intended occupant is

What IS material consideration:

Overlooking / loss of privacy
Loss of light / overshadowing
Effect on listed buildings and conservation areas
Highways safety
Layout and density of building
Design / appearance / materials
Government Policy
Disabled persons access
Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
Nature Conservation

How to respond to Planning Applications: an 8 step guide – this is produced by Campaign to Protect Rural England and National Association of Local Councils.   It gives a clear guide as to what to comment on / what not to comment on and how to word your comments for best effect.

National Planning Policy Framework: sets out the Governments planning policies and how they are expected to be applied.  It provides the framework within which local people and their accountable councils can produce their own local and neighbourhood plans.

Do you need permission? What is permitted development?  These questions are clearly answered on the Planning Portal website.  On this website you can click on the interactive property – detached house / terrace / flat/shop and this takes you to a quick guide to permitted development.  On the right hand side of the page are links to common projects undertaken.

Calling all volunteers – we are giving Hockley Heath a Spring Clean! Friday 21st April 2017

Following last years November tidy, Hockley Heath Parish Council and Solihull Council are working together again to hold a one day local tidy up.

Friday 21st April 10am – 2pm

Meet at the Hockley Heath Recreation Ground car park, Old Warwick Road.

For further information, please call Maria Vernon on 07974 79 55 88 or email hhpc2009@hotmail.com

All protective equipment and tools for the work will be provided.

Spotlight on GP Appointments – public meeting called

March 16 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Venue: Concert Room, Solihull Moors FC Stadium, Damson Park, Solihull, B92 9EJ

 Fed up with hearing that GP appointments are hard to come by? Come to a public meeting about the situation in Solihull.

Attendees to this open meeting will be able to hear views from informed speakers on the pressures facing local services, and to take part in the Access to GP Appointments in Solihull Survey, which has been created to review patients’ experiences of access to health services at their GP surgeries.

Speakers will include Tony Green from the Patient Participation Group Network and Dr Susan Harrower from Coventry Road Practice, Sheldon who will be answering questions about the ongoing issues facing GP services and their appointments systems.

Places are limited, so book one now using our booking form or call 0121 704 7861 between 10am-3pm, or email enquiries@healthwatchsolihull.org.uk.

And if you cannot attend, you can still contribute to the survey.

SMBC agrees budget for the next financial year

Solihull Council has agreed its budget for 2017/18, which includes an increase to council tax.

At the Full Council meeting on 1 March, councillors agreed a budget of £136.462 million. The Band D council tax figure, excluding police, fire and parish precepts, will be £1,269.13. This comprises £1,209.40 for general council tax and £59.73 for adult social care.

In total, council tax will increase by 4.99% which incorporates a 3% increase to fund adult social care.

The Council also approved a Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and efficiency plan up to 2020, which is designed to ensure that Council priorities continue to be met against anticipated continual financial constraints. The strategy outlines the Council’s commitment to ensuring resources will be focussed towards services which contribute most to improving outcomes for local people.

Councillor Bob Sleigh OBE, Leader of the Council, said:

“Along with the rest of the public sector, we face a massive challenge over the next few years to deliver public services with a much lower level of funding than previously. This is particularly the case for adult social care with an increasing demand for services.

“However, these are also exciting times for Solihull, with managed growth in the borough’s economy increasing the income we generate locally. This includes participating in a pilot for full business rates retention from April 2017, as part of our involvement in the West Midlands Combined Authority.

“Our priority as a council is to improve and enrich our residents’ lives and to continue to provide essential services at a consistently high standard. We are committed to make the best use of our resources by aligning them to the needs of the people of Solihull.”

Bogus Traders operating in the area.

We have received intelligence that there are rogue home and garden maintenance traders operating in Solihull claiming to be limited companies and often producing leaflets that make them look like credible businesses.

We do not recommend accepting services from companies who conduct door to door sales pitches without establishing that they are legitimate companies and where possible are recommended to you.

You can check the legitimacy of a Ltd company via this link  ​http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk//companysearch You will be able to determine whether the Ltd company exists at all or if it is dissolved.

Some rogue traders find dissolved company names to trade with giving unsuspecting residents a perceived belief that the company is legitimate.

Please share this message to help protect your elderley and vulnerable neighbours.

Kind Regards

Solihull Police