Hockley Heath Gardening Club Congratulations!

Congratulations go to Hockley Heath Gardening Club.  They have received 4th prize in the Solihull Neighbourhoods in Bloom 2015 competition in the Best Village Category.

Carol Clark from HHGC received the certificate and presentation gardening trowels at the last meeting of the Environment Group.

Hockley Heath Gardening Club is manned entirely by volunteers and they keep the village looking great with planting displays in borders and planters along the Stratford Road.

If anyone would like to join the club, please email them at hhgardenclub@gmail.com

New Time for Parish Council Meetings – 7pm

Hockley Heath Parish Council meetings are open to all residents, interested parties and the press.  However, the number of people attending recent meetings has  dropped.  This matter was discussed in September and Members took the decision to change the start time of the meetings in order to make them more accessible.  As a result, with effect from the 15th October 2015, monthly meetings will now start at 7pm at the Pavilion, Hockley Heath Recreation Ground.

Hockley Heath Gardening Club – Why not join the team?

The volunteers in Hockley Heath Gardening Club have been brightening up the village for over 15 years. Each year the group plant up over 30 planters and planting areas. We work closely with the Parish Council, who support us financially. There are currently seven active members.
If you have any spare time and would like to join our team we would love to welcome you. The time commitment is very flexible. We meet up about four times a year and agree who will be responsible for each of the displays, then individuals will plant up and look after their allocated areas at a time that suits them. You do not need to have previous gardening experience. If your time is limited, but you would like to get involved, you could just adopt an individual planter to look after.
To find out more please email us: HHGardenClub@gmail.com
Follow us on Facebook Hockley Heath Gardening Club.

Mobile Library Service CONSULTATION

Since 2011 the Mobile Library for Solihull has been provided through working in partnership with Warwickshire County Council. It has been decided to review the service that is provided to find out if the service meets the service needs of our customers. As part of this review we are carrying out a survey to see if our customers are happy with the service being provided and the convenience of the stops that the Mobile Library visits.

The survey will be taking place between week beginning 14th September and will finish Friday 23rd October. The survey will be available on the Mobile Library van on the following dates and areas:

Monday 14th September and Monday 5th October for Romeo Route A – Knowle, Dorridge, Bentley Heath, Monkspath and Star and Garter

Monday 14th September and Monday 5th October Titania Route A – Solihull Shirley area

Thursday 17th September and Thursday 8th October Hamlet Route D – Solihull – Hobs Moat area

Tuesday 22nd September and Tuesday 13th October Romeo Route G – Balsall Common

Thursday 24th September and Thursday 15th October Hamlet Route J – Solihull North of the Borough and Villages

Friday 25th September and Friday 16th October Romeo Route K – Sunrise, Cheswick Green, Hockley Heath

Thursday 1st October and Thursday 22nd October Romeo Route O – Solihull – centre all day

Friday 2nd October and Friday 23rd October Titania Route P – Shirley and Olton

The survey is also available online via Surveymonkey:


Solihull Rights of Way Improvement Plan CONSULTATION

Solihull Council is obliged to publish a Rights of Way Improvement Plan for its area, and to review it periodically. This aspirational documents seeks to outline priorities for the management and development of the local rights of way network.

The original Rights of Way Improvement Plan for the area was published in 2007 and is now due for review. part of the review process includes consultation with key stakeholder groups and local users of the rights of way network. If you wish to assist in the review and have an input in the future management of the local rights of way network you may do so by completing an online questionnaire. This may be access via the following link:
