Changes to Street Naming and Numbering – SMBC notice

Notice is hereby given that the Metropolitan Borough of Solihull (“the Council”) intends to resolve that the enactments detailed below shall apply throughout the Council’s administrative area to enable the Council to charge for the street numbering and naming service in accordance with Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2003, namely:
 Sections 17-19 of the Public Health Act 1925 relating to naming of streets; and
 Sections 64 & 65 of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847 relating to the numbering only of streets.
Details of the proposed charges for the financial year 2015/16 for the street numbering and naming service may be obtained by:
 written request from the address given below; or
 inspecting the deposited documents at Solihull Connect located at Library Square, Touchwood, Solihull during normal opening hours.
Objections to the intended resolution must be made in writing and addressed to Mr L Stevenson, Corporate Governance Division, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, Council House, Manor Square, Solihull B91 3QB stating the grounds on which the objection is being made by no later than 27th February 2015.
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
Council House
Manor Square
B91 3QB
13 February 2015

Refuse and Recycling Collection over Christmas period

Solihull Council has confirmed arrangements for waste and recycling collections during the Christmas and New Year period.

The waste collection schedule will be as follows:

Monday 22 December – Normal collection
Tuesday 23 December – Normal collection
Wednesday 24 December – Normal collection
Thursday 25 December – No collection (Waste will be collected on Saturday 27 December)
Friday 26 December – No collection (Extra waste will be collected on Friday 2 January 2015)
Monday 29 December – Normal collection
Tuesday 30 December – Normal collection
Wednesday 31 December – Normal collection
Thursday 1 January 2015 – No collection (Extra waste will be collected on Thursday 8 January 2015)
Friday 2 January 2015 – Normal collection

For more details and information on recycling collections please visit the Council website at www.solihull.gov.uk/xmascollections.

Residents are reminded to make the most of their recycling service during the festive period. The Council will take additional recycling that is placed at the side of their other recycling – the old recycling boxes and jute bags are ideal for this. Extra recycling that is placed in plastic bags or carrier bags will not be collected as these cannot be recycled.

If after recycling residents have additional rubbish over the Christmas holidays, the Council will collect additional bagged rubbish between Monday 29 December 2014 and Friday 9 January 2015. Residents should place any extra rubbish in bin bags and leave them tied and next to their black wheelie bin or purple sacks.

Normal collections will resume from Monday 12 January 2015 and any extra rubbish will not be collected after this date.

The Council is also reminding residents that they can recycle corrugated cardboard as part of their normal collections. This simply needs to be broken or folded down to fit in the brown wheelie bin and any polystyrene and/or plastic wrapping should be removed. Christmas cards can also be recycled.

The Council will also collect real Christmas trees with household rubbish until Friday 16 January 2015. All decorations and pots should be removed and any large trees (6ft or more) should be broken in half. Alternatively, residents can recycle their trees at Bickenhill Household Waste and Recycling Centre (HWRC).

Opening hours for the HWRC during the festive period have also been confirmed. The affected days are as follows:

Wednesday 24 December 2014 – early closing at 2.30pm
Thursday 25 December 2014 – site closed
Friday 26 December 2014 – site closed
Wednesday 31 December 2014 – early closing at 2.30pm
Thursday 1 January 2015 – site closed

Councillor Robert Hulland, Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing, said: “I want to wish all Solihull residents a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We introduced the new recycling service to the borough in 2014 and residents have done us proud in adapting to the changes. I encourage all residents to make a resolution for 2015 and continue the excellent recycling so that we can increase our recycling rate even more.”

For the latest updates on Council services throughout winter, follow Solihull Council on Twitter at www.twitter.com/SolihullCouncil or like the official Council Facebook page at www.facebook.com/solihullcouncil.

Hockley Heath Dirt Track

There has been confusion recently over the use of the Hockley Heath Dirt Track at the recreation ground.  The Parish Council would like to make it clear that the dirt track is there for informal recreational play.  The site has never been, nor will it ever be a BMX track for extreme cycling.  This would not be an appropriate use given the physical restrictions on the site.

If you have any questions concerning the site, please contact the parish clerk.

Superfast Broadband gets closer to Hockley Heath

Hockley Heath has moved a step closer to getting superfast broadband as the area has now turned pink on the CSW Broadband rollout map, meaning that cabinets Lapworth 1, 2 and 9 are now scheduled for upgrade at some point in the next six months. Information about the cabinets can be found at http://www.cswbroadband.org.uk/where-when/rolling-12-month-plan and the updated map showing the coverage is at http://www.cswbroadband.org.uk/the-project/latest-maps/nga-network-coverage-map
Of course, all of the usual caveats apply with regard to the fact that nothing is certain until the service actually goes live, and that there are a number of factors that can affect the speeds that will be achieved, such as the distance of individual properties from the cabinet.
Engineers will soon be working to carry out a number of tasks, such as installing the new cabinet, running the fibre connection back to the exchange, connecting the new cabinet to the old one so that the final connection to properties can be made through the existing copper network and, of course, providing power to make everything work.
There may be some disruption to traffic whilst the work is being carried out, and in some cases rolling traffic management will be required which will necessitate the use of traffic lights or other measures to ensure the safety of the engineers. However, this temporary disruption is all in a good cause.
Once the cabinet has gone live the area will turn green on our map and on the 12-month plan. At that point you can order the service from a number of different Internet Service Providers. It is best to check carefully as there are a wide range of packages available, with some including telephone calls and even TV options. For impartial advice and to see which might be best for you visit http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/phones/cheap-broadband

Dredging along the canal in December / January

Preparations are underway for a dredging project on the North Stratford Canal between Rotherham Oaks and Stratford Road Bridge. The work will include some bank protection, including to the rear of gardens off Spring lane. The relevant residents will be contacted direct in due course, but this is to let you know the general details:

The length of canal affected is 1.9km.

We anticipate removing about 1,200m3 of silt.

We will install approximate 900m of bank protection where the off-side bank is eroded and use the silt to backfill the bank protection.

The project is still subject to approval, but all being well, I anticipate starting either in Dec or early January.

I will update you on plans once they are confirmed.

If you have any specific queries regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Paul Fox

Project Manager

O7711 650418

01908 681281

DD 3881

The Stop House, Braunston, Northants, NN11 3AD

Superfast Broadband Update

The Parish Council have received the following from the co-ordinators of Superfast Broadband in the local area:

Hello Champions

Rollout Update

The rollout has been progressing well with 79 Cabinets that have already gone live and ready to accept orders for fibre broadband services! Cabinets continue to go live regularly so please do keep checking back on the rolling 12-month plan on our website for the most up-to-date information.


Please note that the map is updated on a monthly basis so it may be that some areas that are now live are not yet shown as such on the map. Therefore it is important to encourage residents to check the 12 month plan should they have a query about their current broadband upgrade status.

Procurement Update

As you are no doubt aware we continue to run through the procurement process for our additional block of money and we hope to have the areas defined for upgrade by Spring 2015. When we get to that stage these additional areas will be rolled into our NGA deployment map providing a complete picture of where the upgrades will go.

Getting the Word Out

Now that superfast broadband is available in some of your areas, it’s important to make sure that all residents can take advantage of its benefits and we need your help to do this.

There are a number of things you can do to help us make your local community aware of the superfast broadband that is now available and the many benefits it provides:

Distribute flyers to the properties that are most likely to benefit from the upgrade. We would provide you with flyers and a relevant address list. This is an important point, as some premises may be too far from the exchange to benefit from the upgrade at this stage, and we don’t want to build an unreasonable expectation.

Provide us with the details of your parish or village website and/or newsletter. By providing us with this information, we can contact the relevant people to ensure that even more people are informed of the new superfast broadband services available. Alternatively, the following link provides copy that can be used for parish and village websites, newsletters or flyers if you would like to provide them with this yourself:http://www.cswbroadband.org.uk/downloads-resources/copy-to-use-on-your-own-website-newsletters-or-flyers

If you are able to collect flyers from your local council offices and/or have parish/village website or newsletter contact details, we would greatly appreciate you getting in touch.

We will also be getting in touch with each you individually where your local cabinet is ‘live’ over the coming days so do look out for the emails from us.

Other News

And finally after nearly 2 years based at Wedgnock House the project office has moved to a new building closer to Warwick town centre. We are now settled into our new home here at Saltisford Office Park but will continue to be contactable on the same email addresses and telephone numbers.

Thank you all again for all your support and please do get in touch should you have any queries.

Kind regards,

Gurprit Basran

CSW Broadband
Warwickshire County Council
Tel: 01926738320
Email: broadband@cswbroadband.org.uk
CSW Broadband project – bringing faster broadband to your area




Active Ageing Games

Solihull Council are holding an Active Ageing Games day on Wednesday 10th September at North Solihull Sports Centre.  The day is free of charge and lets you try out a range of activitties including badminton, aqua workouts etc.  Please read the attached flyer for more details.

[wpdm_file id=82]


Superfast Broadband August Update

Are you in an area where the commercial providers have failed to provide superfast broadband?

CSW Broadband is delivering Superfast Broadband (min 24Mbps) across Coventry Solihull and Warwickshire to places where commercial providers won’t offer a service. This is being achieved by rolling out high speed fibre optic cables and equipment, which is available to Internet Service Providers (ISP) to deliver their products, including high speed fibre optic broadband, to you. This allows you to choose the ISP and the products that suit your needs – and your wallet. What we will be buying is known as Next Generation Access (NGA). This refers to the actual broadband network, as opposed to superfast broadband which is one of the services that will be delivered over the network.

Work is already underway in some areas as a result of an initial round of public funding. Further funds have now become available and to secure them and then to expand the scope of the project we need up to date information about broadband that people receive or is available to them if they want it.

We can only use public funding for places which will not receive Superfast Broadband as a result of earlier rollout i.e. installed by a supplier in the normal course of their business, or through the first CSW Broadband project.  Now that we have the funding and are planning the second stage of our rollout. We need to confirm which areas are eligible for our assistance – and this is where we need your help!

A key part of the consultation is our mapping. The State Aid Intervention Map – NGA shows the State Aid intervention area – in other words where we believe we will be legally able to spend public money. PLEASE NOTE: this is not a broadband coverage map!

The map has four different shadings using seven digit postcode resolution:

  • Black = where two or more providers have stated that they will be providing NGA services
  • Grey = where one provider has stated that they will be providing NGA services
  • Hatched = conditional white. This means that a provider has previously said that they would provide coverage but has not done so yet
  • White (shaded pink on the map) = Areas that we can invest in and which may be included in the Invitation to Tender

Because the map aims to define the Intervention Area it differs significantly from the Superfast Broadband Availability maps we produce to track the rollout.

Consider a postcode where 89 out of 100 homes or businesses have been connected to the NGA network, on the Intervention Map this would be shown as No provider because there are still 11 homes or businesses to be connected. However, on the Superfast Broadband Availability maps it would be shown as Available with our usual caveat that you must check availability for your own home or business using the commercial provider’s website.

By mapping partial postcodes as white (pink) we retain the option to invest in these areas if intervention is required to ensure availability of superfast broadband.

For the planned rollout under the current CSW Broadband project please refer to our 12-month rolling plan and associated map.

BDUK has introduced very strict criteria as to what qualifies as grey, and we have applied this rigorously so as to minimise the grey areas as far as possible. For NGA, each postcode is turned Grey if:

  • BT has upgraded the network infrastructure serving the area AND ALL premises within the postcode have an estimated (VDSL2 for FTTC) Access Line Speed of more than 15Mbps;
  • OR, if Virgin Media serve 90% or more of premises within a postcode;
  • OR, if it is in an area that is served by an alternative fibre-based, NGA fixed wireless or other qualifying technology that meets the requirements of the BDUK NGA Technology Guidelines.
  • Each postcode is turned Black for NGA if it satisfies at least two of these conditions. Postcodes that satisfy one of these conditions is turned grey. All other postcodes remain White.
  • Where 2 operators have declared partial coverage of premises within a postcode, a complete overlap of coverage is assumed, e.g. if a postcode contains 30 premises and operator A serves 10 premises and operator B serves 25 premises with Superfast Broadband, 5 premises are considered to be NGA white.
  • Even 1 premise under 15Mbps would turn a postcode white, even though 99% may have NGA coverage.

BDUK are being pessimistic about expected coverage and this is reflected in the mapping. Furthermore, we are aggressively enforcing white areas to maximise potential coverage.

The priority for CSW Broadband will be to use the available public funding to provide a ‘step change’ in broadband capability for premises currently getting relatively slow broadband speeds (less than 15Mbps). Therefore, in the first instance, the focus of the forthcoming procurement under the BDUK Framework will be the NGA White areas identified in the State Aid Map below. However, the project reserves the right to consider extending intervention to the areas classified as “Conditional White” in the event that the risks of these premises not achieving Superfast Broadband is verified.

When we go to tender the areas to be covered will be refined by taking some postcodes out of scope and not by turning areas grey. This is obviously better as it allows them to be introduced later if necessary.

We need to be able to identify:

  • Any premises that are shaded grey or black on our map that are unable to access broadband with a minimum speed of 24Mbps
  • Any premises that are in the proposed intervention area (shaded pink on our map) and are already able to access 24Mbps or above
  • Any areas that are shaded pink on our map where there are proposals to provide a minimum 2Mbps service or a superfast broadband service within the next three years.

To do this we need to confirm that the information we have is accurate and up to date. For example we believe that some areas which have been marked as grey or black may not have or will not get superfast speeds – and that is where you come in.

Please respond to this consultation even if you have previously completed one of our surveys as this information forms part of our formal procurement process

What we need you to do?

1)      Look on our map to see how your area has been defined – are we showing you as being in an area that has (or will receive) superfast broadband or not? www.cswbroadband.org.uk/consultation

2)      We need to know if we have the designation for your area correct on the map. Please use the BT Broadband checker (www.dslchecker.bt.com) to find out if superfast broadband is available in your area – in which case it will say that speeds of 24Mbps or above are achievable. To use the checker, either enter a BT landline telephone number (including area code) or your address (you need to click the link below the number box). Please do not use the postcode checker as it is not accurate enough to be of any help!

3)      If you are currently subscribing to a superfast broadband service are you achieving the speeds that you should? Check your speed at www.speedtest.net  and note the results.

4)      If there is/are alternative provider(s) to BT using fibre, wireless or other technology to bring you services please make a note of them.

5)      If, after carrying out the checks above, you believe that we have your area wrongly designated on the map please complete our survey at www.cswbroadband.org.uk/consultation

Please note that this consultation closes on 18th September, so please respond as soon as possible

Thank you for your help – your responses will help us to ensure that we are able to consider those areas that will not otherwise be upgraded

Questions and Answers

Why are you carrying out another public consultation?

The public consultation is not just some random exercise that we have decided to undertake. It is a requirement for the procurement that we plan to undertake in the autumn. We have already carried out an Open Market Review whereby we ask the providers where they expect to provide superfast broadband by 2017. We know from the previous procurement and consultations where the cabinets are. What we are less clear about is which properties are on exchange only lines or have other issues, particularly those in areas that may have been upgraded to superfast as part of the commercial programme or as part of the CSW Broadband rollout.

Once we have good information we can then use it to challenge the responses that we receive to our Invitation to Tender. We do not expect to simply accept what we are given, but in order to provide a robust challenge we do need accurate information. That is why we are asking people to engage in the consultation process.

In summary, we are only at the beginning of a huge rollout. Our ultimate goal is to achieve the 2020 EU targets of 100% connected at 30Mbps or above, and our aim is to do that well before 2020 (funding permitting). We are doing all that we can to take the fibre connectivity to as many premises as possible and some may take a little longer than others. If anyone is unable to wait for the public network to roll out then there are options to privately fund a connection through BT but that will be expensive – and it is that cost that prevents our project from implementing one-off or small-scale solutions at this stage when there will be better and less expensive technologies available in the future.

Can our village contribute financially to the contract to be sure of being included in the next rollout?

The problem remains that we can’t see any mechanism for ensuring that a particular village or parish would be economically covered. We will go out to tender to achieve a minimum percentage coverage. The bidders will come back with their proposals, which will include the percentage that they will achieve. Last time we asked for 90% and the current rollout should achieve 91%. We then enter into all sorts of contract negotiations which include the total homes passed (THP). BDUK have oversight of all projects and so they are able to advise if we are achieving value for money. Last time we were told that we had scored extremely well on all counts when compared to other projects.

As we do not have detailed knowledge of any providers’ existing infrastructure and are not network design engineers we have to let the contractor design the rollout plan so that they make best use of the available funding whilst achieving the project objectives (fibre as far as possible etc) and the THP. Throughout the project there are clear contractual milestones which are monitored and payment is made on the basis of results.

In theory if there was to be fibre in your area but not covering a cabinet then you could pay towards that, but the cost would depend on where the fibre connection was and any difficulties in standing the cabinet, powering it up, connecting it etc. At this stage there are simply too many variables, but we are aware of communities that have approached BT directly for a bespoke solution and been quoted anything from £20-50k.

We will be asking our partners for support to match the additional £6m, but that will be over a much larger area rather than a specific village or parish.

As we don’t know at this stage what the rollout will look like for the £7.36m that we have bid for, or indeed for any part of the £6m that we are hoping to find match for, we would suggest that now is not the best time for you to be thinking about spending your money. We should imagine that you would be less than happy to commit several £00,000s only to find that it could have been included in the project anyway!

Frequently asked general broadband questions can be found on our website at:


We need to reach as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Please send this email to your contacts and encourage them to send it further. It’s probably best to remove the contact details above our logo at the top of the email otherwise it could get to be a very long string before the email itself appears!

CSW Broadband now on social media – come and join the conversation

We are now on the major social media channels and are already creating a buzz. Join in for up-to-date information and an opportunity to influence how the project develops

Facebook Page –  https://www.facebook.com/CSWSuperfastBroadband

Twitter – https://twitter.com#!/cswbroadband

LinkedIn –  http://www.linkedin.com/groups/CSW-Superfast-Broadband-4403473

Sports Development Training for you!

SMBC are offering a range of courses for those connected with sports in the community.  For more infromation please contact Sadie Walker, Sports Development and Facilities Officer,  Tel: (0121) 704 8079, Mob: 07717 320583.

Courses available include; How to deliver enaging session for young people (16th Sept 6.30pm – 9.30pm at Solihull Arts Complex – course is FREE!); Safeguarding and Protecting Children (24th Sept 6.30pm – 9.30pm at West Warwickshire Sports Club, Olton and costs £25); Sports First Aid (1st and 8th Dec, 6.30pm – 9.30pm at North Solihull Sports Centre – course is FREE!); Inclusive Coaching: Disability (13th Nov 6.30pm – 9.30pm at The Studio, Solihull Arts Complex and costs £25).