Guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19

The following Govt. advice (click on link below) was updated on 17th April 2020 and includes a list of people with conditions that are clinically extremely vulnerable. If you have one of the conditions listed but have not been contacted, contact your GP or hospital clinician.


The Government is currently advising people that are clinically extremely vulnerable to shield until the end of June and is regularly monitoring this position. Shielding involves:

1. Do not leave your house.

2. Do not attend any gatherings. This includes gatherings of friends and families in private spaces, for example, family homes, weddings and religious services.

3. Strictly avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). These symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough.


During periods when the Parish Council is not able to publicly meet, planning consultations will be posted on the website and Facebook page.

If you have any comments on the planning application below please contact the Parish Clerk. You can also reply directly to SMBC via their planning portal if your prefer.

Application: PL/2020/00804/TPO

Location: 41 Lindhurst Drive

Expiry date: 11th May 2020

Works requested: Reduce canopy branches back by 25%, remove ivy growth and dead/rotten branches on 1 No. oak tree (T1 in TPO 873). Canopy is extending towards house, over drive and pedestrian access to property, causing concern in high winds. Base of tree has an exposed area believed due to Ivy growth. The tree therefore needs to be managed to reduce possibility of danger.


Just a reminder, if you wish to donate any items to the Hockley Heath Food Bank you can do so today (Saturday 18th April) between 4pm – 5pm at the Pavilion. Please respect social distancing.

Food, in date, in jars, packets, boxes and tins is perfect, along with any hygiene items.

We know that some residents will have seen a reduction in income due to the restrictions in place to contain the Coronavirus and we would like anyone that is struggling to buy food to contact the Parish Council for assistance. We aim to provide an emergency food parcel for three days, to enable residents to access other services available. We also have some hygiene items and baby products available too.

If you need to access the food bank please contact the Parish Clerk between 9am – 1pm Monday to Friday at hhpc2009@hotmail.com or on 07591 954002. The Parish Clerk will need to take a few details from you and will then discuss collection of the items, either from the Pavilion or through Street Watch if you are unable to leave your home.

The Pavilion will be used as a distribution centre but food is stored in a more secure location offsite.



The Parish Council of Hockley Heath has set up a temporary food bank to assist residents during this very difficult time. We know that some residents will have seen a reduction in income due to the restrictions in place to contain the Coronavirus and we would like anyone that is struggling to buy food to contact the Parish Council for assistance. We aim to provide an emergency food parcel for three days, to enable residents to access other services available. We also have some hygiene items and baby products available too.

If you need to access the food bank please contact the Parish Clerk between 9am – 1pm Monday to Friday at hhpc2009@hotmail.com or on 07591 954002. The Parish Clerk will need to take a few details from you and will then discuss collection of the items, either from the Pavilion or through Street Watch if you are unable to leave your home.

The Pavilion will be used as a distribution centre but food is stored in a more secure location offsite.



Planning applications are published on the monthly Parish Council agenda, however as the Parish Council will not be meeting in April 2020, planning applications will be published online to allow residents to comment directly to Solihull MBC. The following application has been received and can be viewed in more detail on SMBC’s website – Planning Portal.

Reference: PL/2020/00602/TPO

Location: Hockley Heath Park, Adjacent To 63 Meadow Close, Hockley Heath, Solihull

Works: Prune 1 No. Oak tree (tree T3 of Order No. 56) by 2m to clear the building fabric.

Consultation expires: 17 April 2020

As with all planning consultations, any member of the public can comment and SMBC only write to the households/businesses immediately impacted by any works.


The Parish Council of Hockley Heath will be setting up a temporary food bank during the current Coronavirus crisis. The Parish Council will endeavour to provide an emergency food package to individuals/families struggling to cover the cost of food.

Whilst a number of items have been sourced by the Parish Council, and nappies and baby wipes have been donated, further donations of tinned or dried non-perishable foods, along with person hygiene items would be appreciated to top up supplies.

If you would like to donate any items please drop them off at the Pavilion on Sunday 29th March 2020 between 4-5pm. A social distancing policy will be in place and you can place food/toiletries on a table.

Suitable non-perishable long life items would be tinned meats and fish, tinned vegetables, pasta, rice, pulses, sauces, tinned and dried fruit, cereals, juices, tea, coffee, biscuits, baby food and toiletries.

The Pavilion will act as a donation and distribution centre but the food bank will be stored off site for security reasons. Further details will be communicated next week when the food bank is able to receive requests.

Thank you
Hockley Heath Parish Council


Dear resident,

On Monday evening the Government announced new guidance to combat the spread of coronavirus. This now means that, unless you are a key worker, the most important thing you can do is stay at home. By staying home you are saving lives. The government guidance is as follows: You must stay at home and you should only leave the house for one of the following four reasons:

1) Shopping for basic necessities (for example for food and medicine, which must be infrequent as possible)

2) One form of exercise a day (for example a run, walk or cycle – alone with members of your household)

3) Any medical need or to provide care to help a vulnerable person.

4) Travelling to and from work (but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home)

If you are a business affected by the Government measures, I know that you will be concerned not just about the virus but about paying bills, paying staff and being able to operate once all this is over. You are vital to our economy and our community, and I will be doing what I can to support you over the coming months.

Although we cannot take face-to-face contact, my office will remain open and operational during this time. The weeks ahead are going to be challenging. I know that we can rise to it. I will be doing whatever I can to keep residents informed and speak up for you where I can. Keep safe and stay home. Look after your family, keep active, and if you know anyone who is living alone, pick up the phone and find out how they are.

Best wishes,

Saqib Bhatti


The Parish Council are scheduled to meet on Thursday 19th March 2020, 7pm in the Pavilion, to discuss how best to support members of our community that need assistance during this very difficult time. We have contacted other organisations within the village and we hope to be able to assist in a co-ordinated response. In the meantime please contact the Clerk at hhpc2009@hotmail.com or 07591 954002 if you have any specific concerns or require help.
Regards HHPC

Street Watch Training Opportunity

*The Hockley Heath Street Watch team advised that they are not currently looking for volunteers*

Message from the Neighbourhood Policing Team

Good Afternoon Hockley Heath, I hope you are well.

Would you like to be a part of a community led initiative to keep your area safe?
Street Watch is a community-led initiative based on street patrols carried out by members of the public with no police powers.
Groups are managed by a volunteer co-ordinator who keeps a volunteer list and provides advice, guidance and support in consultation with the local police.
Volunteers patrol in pairs or small groups and register each patrol on a website. If volunteers spot suspicious activity they should report it to the police but not get involved.
Street Watch is about citizenship not policing by providing visible reassurance and appropriate engagement around local issues that matter most to your community.
Research shows that the presence of a capable guardian within a community reduces crime and anti-social behaviour.
All you need to commit is two hours of your time a month for your community.
If you are interested in joining your local street watch team please reply to this message or email me on m.monger@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk
Once you have registered your interest we will arrange a training session for you to attend.
Please be aware that we are currently recruiting for our Bentley Heath scheme as a priority.