Dear resident,

On Monday evening the Government announced new guidance to combat the spread of coronavirus. This now means that, unless you are a key worker, the most important thing you can do is stay at home. By staying home you are saving lives. The government guidance is as follows: You must stay at home and you should only leave the house for one of the following four reasons:

1) Shopping for basic necessities (for example for food and medicine, which must be infrequent as possible)

2) One form of exercise a day (for example a run, walk or cycle – alone with members of your household)

3) Any medical need or to provide care to help a vulnerable person.

4) Travelling to and from work (but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home)

If you are a business affected by the Government measures, I know that you will be concerned not just about the virus but about paying bills, paying staff and being able to operate once all this is over. You are vital to our economy and our community, and I will be doing what I can to support you over the coming months.

Although we cannot take face-to-face contact, my office will remain open and operational during this time. The weeks ahead are going to be challenging. I know that we can rise to it. I will be doing whatever I can to keep residents informed and speak up for you where I can. Keep safe and stay home. Look after your family, keep active, and if you know anyone who is living alone, pick up the phone and find out how they are.

Best wishes,

Saqib Bhatti


The Parish Council are scheduled to meet on Thursday 19th March 2020, 7pm in the Pavilion, to discuss how best to support members of our community that need assistance during this very difficult time. We have contacted other organisations within the village and we hope to be able to assist in a co-ordinated response. In the meantime please contact the Clerk at hhpc2009@hotmail.com or 07591 954002 if you have any specific concerns or require help.
Regards HHPC

Street Watch Training Opportunity

*The Hockley Heath Street Watch team advised that they are not currently looking for volunteers*

Message from the Neighbourhood Policing Team

Good Afternoon Hockley Heath, I hope you are well.

Would you like to be a part of a community led initiative to keep your area safe?
Street Watch is a community-led initiative based on street patrols carried out by members of the public with no police powers.
Groups are managed by a volunteer co-ordinator who keeps a volunteer list and provides advice, guidance and support in consultation with the local police.
Volunteers patrol in pairs or small groups and register each patrol on a website. If volunteers spot suspicious activity they should report it to the police but not get involved.
Street Watch is about citizenship not policing by providing visible reassurance and appropriate engagement around local issues that matter most to your community.
Research shows that the presence of a capable guardian within a community reduces crime and anti-social behaviour.
All you need to commit is two hours of your time a month for your community.
If you are interested in joining your local street watch team please reply to this message or email me on m.monger@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk
Once you have registered your interest we will arrange a training session for you to attend.
Please be aware that we are currently recruiting for our Bentley Heath scheme as a priority.

2020-2021 Hockley Heath Precept

The Parish Council of Hockley Heath, after careful consideration, has decided to increase the 2020-2021 precept by 5%. During the previous financial year of 2019-2020, the precept received was £56,480 and Solihull MBC has been informed to collect a precept of £59,303.48 (5% increase) for the forthcoming financial year. The precept rise will result in an annual increase of £3.64 for a band D property, or 7p per week. The Parish Council agreed the increase based upon the forecast of anticipated expenditure during the next financial year. The next financial year results in the removal of the support grant received from Solihull MBC along with anticipated increased grounds maintenance costs, Pavilion improvements and a fund to improve the village environment. Please contact the Clerk to Hockley Heath Parish Council at hhpc2009@hotmail.com if you have any further questions.

Solihull Council’s Winter Digital Magazine

Solihull Council has published its winter digital magazine which is full of interesting information. One feature details that Solihull residents are being given the chance to have a gas central heating boiler and radiators installed for free, as part of a scheme provided by the National Grid Warm Homes Fund. People can find out if they are eligible for the scheme by emailing advice@ actonenergy.org.uk or calling the Freephone number 0800 988 2881. Read the digital magazine in full by clicking on the link below:



“Police have urged everyone to download a smartphone app they say has already saved several lives. What is it and how does it work?” (BBC News August 2019)

What3words essentially points to a very specific location. Its developers divided the world into 57 trillion squares, each measuring 3m by 3m (10ft by 10ft) and each having a unique, randomly assigned three-word address. It cuts out all ambiguity about where a person’s exact location is and enables help to reach them.

A smartphone is needed to download the free app. Once downloaded, the app does not need a phone signal to tell someone their three-word location.

The emergency services have successfully assisted members of the public by being provided with the three words that enables them to be located.


Solihull Council is required under the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, to carry out a review of all its polling districts, polling places and polling stations that fall within the Borough of Solihull and within the Parliamentary Constituency for Solihull and Meriden.

The review requires SMBC to seek to ensure that all the electors in a constituency have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances and to seek to ensure that,so far as is reasonable and practicable, every polling place is accessible to all electors. If you wish to comment on the review you can use the link below.


Hockley Heath Street Clean – Sunday 15th September 2019

If you have any time between 10am and 12noon it would be wonderful if you could help litter pick around the village. Please bring your own gloves. Litter pickers and bags will be provided by SMBC.

We have, for a number of years held Spring and Autumn events, but we would like to make this one a little different by making it a family event, so please come along and join like minded families who care about their environment.

With our environment in mind, there will be a variety of activities for children to do; why we should look after our community/environment/planet and making it a fun morning which will be in the Pavilion in the recreation ground.

The topic of our environment is on the Parish Council agenda for discussion on Thursday 19th September 2019. The meeting begins at 7pm so if you have a view, then do come along, all are welcome.

If you plan to join the street clean, please let me know by Tuesday 10th September so I have an idea of numbers. Please text ‘count me in’ for the street clean and/or “children and how many’ if you plan to join our fun packed morning to 07591 954002.

Many thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to hearing from you.


Solihull Council has published a Summary of Representations to the Draft Local Plan Review (Supplementary Consultation). This was reported to Cabinet Members on 18th July 2019. The summary of representations document provides an overview of all of the comments submitted and is arranged by question or site reference. This document can be found here www.solihull.gov.uk/lpr

A paper copy of the ‘Summary of Representations’ will also be available to view in Solihull Council’s libraries and walk-in centres during normal opening hours.

Solihull Council will use the outcome from the consultation to shape the next version of the plan. This is generally referred to as the ‘submission draft’. It is the version of the plan that Solihull Council intends to submit to Independent Examination. Before being submitted for examination it will be subject to further consultation. It is the representations made at this later stage that will be the focus of the Examination.

Solihull MBC will consider whether and to what extent the timetable for the local plan review needs updating in light of the representations made. Any change to the timetable will be published on the main Local Plan Review pages at www.solihull.gov.uk/lpr.


Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) will be attending the Parish Council Environment Meeting tomorrow (Wednesday 10th July 2019) at 1.30 pm in the Pavilion. TfWM will be able to discuss the proposed route and timetable changes. Members of the public are always welcome to attend and discuss issues. You have until 17th July 2019 to comment on the proposed route and timetable changes.