Hockley Heath to Solihull Bus Route Change

Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) has recently undergone a tendering process for bus providers and also a consultation of proposed route changes, with the intention of these taking effect from 23 February 2019. The consultation stated:

“S3 No change proposed to the existing route from Hockley Heath to Solihull within the February changes. Solihull to Wythall section – see options 2, 3 and 4 under S2”.

However, as a result of the consultation and appointing a new provider – Landflight, the route from Hockley Heath to Solihull has now changed and no longer connects to Knowle (it is now a circular route which connects to Dorridge, Bentley Heath and Solihull, or alternatively to Solihull via BVP, Cheswick Green and Shirley named A7/A8). You can view the routes here: https://www.landflight.co.uk/bus-services/

Anyone wishing to travel directly to Knowle will need to catch 2 buses, changing at Dorridge (the A3 will run from Dorridge to Knowle). The Parish Council have spoken with TfWM and raised many issues, in particular school children travelling to Arden. TfWM stated that they are currently talking to Landflight to see whether they can extend the service for school children.

The Parish Council has also raised the issue of the route change with a number of organisations and individuals. TfWM state that if you have any comments about the changes to the S3/S3W service then contact Customer Services so all comments can be logged and looked at. The email is customerservices@tfwm.org.uk

Community Speedwatch

Community Speedwatch is a community driven road safety initiative which empowers Community volunteers to address their concerns about inappropriate traffic speed around their places of work and/or residence, with the support of the police.

West Midlands Police Community Speedwatch scheme will involve trained volunteers from the community monitoring the speeds of vehicles with approved speed detection devices. Where vehicle speeds are found to be inappropriate. They are looking for volunteers to help run this scheme.

2 training Sessions at Solihull Police Station will be held on the following dates

28/2/19 – 19.00hrs

7/3/18 – 19.00hrs

If you are interested please email PCSO Mark Rice at rural@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk

Flood Update

Acting as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for Solihull, SMBC has completed an investigation into the unprecedented flooding on 27 May 2018 and has now published findings, as required under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

SMBC investigated each of the affected areas to identify the causes and mechanisms of the flooding. This investigatory work has involved detailed condition surveys of watercourses, culverts and highway drainage systems. SMBC would like to thank all those who have worked with them to share their first-hand experiences of the flooding. This information has been fed back to help build a more informed picture of what happened in May 2018.

SMBC are currently exploring what action it may be possible to take to mitigate against such an event in the future. Some of these options are detailed in their action plan. SMBC will now need to see what funding can be secured, as well as consider the potential benefits of any proposed flood reduction schemes.

The following link takes you to the report compiled by SMBC:


Parish Council Elections – May 2019

In preparation for the Borough Council and Parish & Town Council elections in May 2019, the Returning Officer (SMBC) will be holding a briefing for candidates and election agents in the Civic Suite, at 6pm on Tuesday 5th March.  This will include information about key dates of the election timetable, qualifications and disqualifications for candidature, the nominations process,  arrangements for postal votes, the poll  and the counting of votes etc.  

Registration is not necessary.

revised draft local plan

Solihull Council has published its revised draft Local Plan and can be viewed as follows: http://www.solihull.gov.uk/…/Draft-Local-Plan-Supplementary…

The revised draft now proposes a site on School Road, Hockley Heath, for housing development. A consultation on the draft Local Plan is available and residents can comment on the proposals for Hockley Heath as follows:


The consultation is open until 15th March. The revised draft Local Plan is asking residents/community groups to comment on the proposed School Road site and also any potential changes to the Green Belt boundary north of School Road. (You can also comment on any other areas within the plan).

Solihull Council will also be running drop-in sessions for the public to comment and ask questions on the revised draft Local Plan. Sessions will be held on the following dates in February 2019:

Friday 1st – (11am to 3pm) – Solihull Library
Saturday 2nd – (11am to 3pm) – Chelmsley Wood Library
Saturday 9th – (11am to 4pm) – Dickens Heath Library (please note the library is closed between 1pm – 2pm)
Saturday 16th – (11am to 3pm) – Balsall Common Library
Saturday 23rd – (11am to 3pm) – Knowle Library
Tuesday 26th – (4pm to 7pm) – Asda, Parkgate, Shirley

Parish Council Elections – May 2019

Have you ever considered being a Parish Councillor? 

Councillor elections for the Parish Council of Hockley Heath will be undertaken in May 2019. There are 5 seats available on the Parish Council. If you would like to learn more about this valuable role and the difference you can make to your community come along and find out  more at a local information session. The session is free to members of the public and will be held at Solihull Council House on Monday 28th January 2019, 6.30 pm- 8.30 pm.

Contact the Clerk if you would like to be registered on the above event: hhpc2009@hotmail.com

SMBC Flood Update – 8th November 2018

Thursday 8 November between 6pm – 7pm, at:

The Pavilion
Hockley Heath Recreation Ground
Old Warwick Road
Hockley Heath
B94 6HH

The aim of the event is to to inform you of SMBC’s interim findings.  SMBC are also hoping other agencies involved in May’s flood, such as Severn Trent, will be in attendance.

No need to book a slot, SMBC’s officers will be on hand to to speak to you on a 1:1 basis.

The drop-in event will also allow SMBC to check their knowledge and understanding of the flood event before they formally publish a report into the flooding at the end of the month.

If you need to get in touch then please email drainage@solihull.gov.uk

West Midlands Police – “How are we Doing? Survey”

West Midlands Police would like you to help them understand the service they are delivering to you by filling out the below survey. It’s a two question poll and should only take a couple of minutes to complete but your feedback is important to West Midlands Police.


Responses are not anonymous but will be treated in confidence and will only be used for the purposes of understanding and improving their services to the public and they will not contact you as a result of this survey.  Please note, you must be 16 years or over to take part in this survey.

If you need to report something to West Midlands Police you can now do so online at https://www.west-midlands.police.uk/contact-us




Proposed Changes to Some Bus Services in Solihull

A review of the bus services that Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) financially supports bus operators to run (tendered bus services) is being undertaken. These are the services that operators have not opted to run commercially (for profit). Transport for West Midlands funds these services to ensure residents are able to make socially necessary journeys.

TfWM are keen to highlight that they are not looking to reduce the support for bus services across the borough. TfWM are looking at how they can use that support to give the best possible service to all residents in the area, whilst pursuing opportunities to grow and develop the network further. They would appreciate your help in shaping the future bus network in your area, by giving your opinions on the proposals and ideas, before any final decisions are made.
Any changes will be introduced from 23rd February 2019. TfWM would really like to hear your views on their proposals and options.


Speak to staff and fill in a questionnaire at an exhibition on Wednesday 3 October 0900 to 1500 in the West Midlands Combined Authority marquee near to the former Maplins, High Street, Solihull. Alternatively visit networkwestmidlands.com/solihull to see a copy of the proposed map of changes and to fill in a questionnaire.

Please provide your views by Sunday 14 October 2018.